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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Orchestre Symphonique de Laval-Anton Kuerti-concert du mercredi 30 septembre

Beethoven, Tchakovsky et Anton Kuerti
Pour un concert d'ouverture magistral!
Le mercredi 30 septembre 20 h

Laval L'Orchestre symphonique de Laval inaugure avec faste sa 24e saison en prsentant le Concerto pour piano et orchestre no 5 en mi bmol majeur, op. 73, de Beethoven et une uvre choisie par le public, l'imposante Symphonie no 5 en mi mineur, op. 54, de Tchakovsky. Cette uvre a t dsigne, au printemps 2009, comme le Coup de cur du public dans le cadre d'un sondage visant connatre la pice que l'auditoire aimerait entendre lors du premier concert de la saison 2009-2010. Chose promise, chose due! Le public de l'OSL aura non seulement la chance d'entendre cette uvre grandiose, mais aussi le privilge d'une rencontre avec Anton Kuerti, celui que le Fanfare Magazine considre comme le plus grand pianiste vivant! Ce grand concert sera prsent le mercredi 30 septembre 20 h, la salle Andr-Mathieu de Laval. Alain Trudel vous donne rendez-vous pour sa confrence d'avant-concert ds 19 h 15.

Anton Kuerti

Le pianiste Anton Kuerti est n en Autriche, a grandi aux tats-Unis et a vcu la majeure partie de sa vie adulte au Canada. Jeune surdou, il n'a que 11 ans lorsqu'il interprte le Concerto de Grieg avec Arthur Fiedler, et il est encore aux tudes lorsqu'il remporte le prestigieux et convoit Prix Leventritt. Anton Kuerti a jou dans 39 pays, dont le Japon et la Russie, ainsi que dans la plupart des pays europens. Il s'est galement produit avec les principaux orchestres et chefs d'orchestre des tats-Unis. Son vaste rpertoire compte quelque 50 concertos, dont l'une de ses propres compositions, et il est l'un des artistes contemporains ayant ralis le plus d'enregistrements, dont l'intgrale des concertos et sonates de Beethoven. Au Canada, Anton Kuerti s'est produit avec tous les orchestres professionnels et devant 140 communauts, d'un ocan l'autre. Il a, entre autres, donn 39 concerts avec l'Orchestre symphonique de Toronto. Anton Kuerti a, de plus, particip de nombreux festivals importants et a dmontr, plusieurs occasions, une endurance remarquable en interprtant les cinq concertos de Beethoven et la Fantaisie chorale, ou les cinq dernires sonates pour piano de Beethoven, en un seul long concert. titre de chambriste, il a collabor avec certains des plus influents artistes de la scne internationale, tels Gidon Kremer, Yo-Yo Ma, Janos Starker et avec les quatuors Cleveland, Guarneri, Saint-Laurent et Tokyo.

Officier de l'Ordre du Canada, il a reu de nombreux doctorats honorifiques et, en 2008, le Prix du Gouverneur gnral, le plus grand honneur qui puisse tre dcern un artiste canadien des arts de la scne. noter qu'Anton Kuerti est galement professeur, compositeur, organisateur de concerts et directeur artistique.


Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Concerto pour piano et orchestre no 5 en mi bmol majeur, op. 73, Empereur , 1809
Soliste : Anton Kuerti

C'est en 1792 que Beethoven arrive Vienne pour y tudier la composition auprs de grands matres. Ville de musique, s'il en est une en cette fin du XV111e sicle, Beethoven ne tarde pas se faire un nom, et l'aristocratie, prise de musique, se presse ses concerts. Ds lors, les portes des grandes familles viennoises s'ouvrent devant lui et son avenir de musicien semble assur. Quelques annes plus tard cependant, en 1800, des symptmes inquitants se manifestent au point qu'ils ne peuvent plus tre ignors : Beethoven devient sourd. Le musicien est dvast et envisage un moment de se suicider. Il rdige alors le clbre Testament d'Heiligenstad dans lequel il confie son dsespoir. Reprenant ses esprits, il transformera ce mchant coup du sort en destin : il sera compositeur cote que cote. Le Concerto no 5 a t compos au cours de l'anne 1809, au moment o les troupes de Napolon assigent Vienne. Au mois d'octobre, la signature du trait de paix de Vienne permet Beethoven d'achever l'criture de la partition dlaisse durant les bombardements. L'uvre est ddie l'archiduc Rodolphe, fils de l'empereur Lopold II d'Autriche et protecteur du musicien. Le concerto a t cr le 28 novembre 1810 Leipzig par l'orchestre du Gewandhaus. La surdit du compositeur tant trop avance, la partie du soliste est alors interprte par le pianiste Friedrich Schneider. Partisan des ides de la Rvolution franaise, Beethoven a profondment incarn ces principes dans sa musique. Dans son ultime concerto pour piano, il n'est pas exagr de dire que le soliste dialogue avec toute la masse sonore de l'orchestre en toute libert, galit et fraternit.


Piotr Ilyitch Tchakovsky (1840-1893)
Symphonie no 5 en mi mineur, op. 54, 1888

Musicien indniablement russe, Tchakovsky n'en est pas moins influenc par la forme et les techniques de composition occidentales. Curieux, clectique, il touche tous les genres musicaux avec beaucoup de succs : opra, concerto, musique de chambre. En 1876, il compose le Lac des cygnes et cre ainsi le ballet symphonique. Tchakovsky a crit six symphonies auxquelles on se doit d'ajouter Manfred, cette autre symphonie, bien qu'elle n'en porte pas le titre. Si les trois premires symphonies s'avrent de facture plus classique quant leur inspiration, les trois dernires nous font entrer dans l'univers psychologique du compositeur et renvoient des ides extramusicales comme l'obsession du destin. Ce thme du fatum, que l'on entend justement ici, et ce, ds le dbut du premier mouvement, traversera les quatre mouvements de l'uvre. La Symphonie no 5 fut cre Saint-Ptersbourg le 5 novembre 1888, sous la direction du compositeur.

Concert : 30 septembre 20 h, salle Andr-Mathieu
Le concert est une prsentation de Protectron.
Les billets pour ce concert sont disponibles
En ligne :
Au guichet de la salle Andr-Mathieu : 475, boul. de l'Avenir, Laval
Par tlphone, billetterie de la salle Andr-Mathieu : (450) 667-2040
Via le Rseau admission : (514) 790-1245

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The NAC Orchestra launches its 09-10 season with Romantic Revolution Festival led by Music Director Pinchas Zukerman, including guest artists Gil Shah

Ottawa, Canada Pinchas Zukerman opens the National Arts Centre Orchestras 40th anniversary season with the Romantic Revolution Festival from Wednesday, September 23 to Thursday, October 1 with guest stars including violinist Gil Shaham, pianists Angela Cheng, Katherine Chi and Anton Kuerti, and cellist Lynn Harrell. Over the course of five magnificent concerts on September 23, 24, 25, 30 and October 1 four led by Pinchas Zukerman and one by Jean-Marie Zeitouni the Festival explores the pivotal period in artistic and musical history that marked the emergence of Romanticism. Audiences will hear the first tentative strains of Romanticism in the music of Haydn (including his Cello Concerto performed by Lynn Harrell) and in Mozarts later piano concertos (performed by Angela Cheng and Katherine Chi). They will hear it flourish in the glorious passages of Beethovens Eroica Symphony and Concerto for Violin (the latter performed and conducted by Pinchas Zukerman) and Mendelssohns Violin Concerto (performed by Gil Shaham) and in the anguished harmonies of Schuberts Unfinished Symphony; and reach full power in the Symphony No. 4 by Schumann (Romantic composer par excellence) and the heart-wrenching Prelude to Act III of Verdis La Traviata. (A chronological listing of concerts follows.)

Each concert opens with a capella musical selections sung by the
Cantata Singers of Ottawa led by director Michael Zaugg.

The Festival includes Musically Speaking talks at 7 p.m. given by media and musical celebrities prior to the concerts on September 23, 24, and 25, and October 1. The first two are in French: LArt de composer un programme with musicologist Carol Bergeron on Sept. 23; Les Beauts de linachvement : la Huitime Symphonie de Schubert with Franois Dompierre, composer and host, Radio-Canada, Espace musique on Sept. 24. The second two are in English: Schumanns Revision Quest: a journey from brainstorm to score with CBC Radio Executive Producer Jill LaForty interviewing CBC Music Producer David Houston on Sept. 25; and Beethoven Lite with writer and broadcaster Eric Friesen on Oct. 1. The Oct. 1 concert also includes a Post-Concert Talkback with Eric Friesen interviewing Pinchas Zukerman following the latters performance of the Beethoven Violin Concerto.

The Sept. 30 concert is a detailed exploration of Mozarts Final Piano Concerto beginning with a Beyond the Scoreƒ multi-media exploration of Mozarts life and times featuring narrator Bill Richardson (of CBC Radio), Ottawa actor Pierre Brault, soprano Donna Brown and pianist Katherine Chi, with the NAC Orchestra performing musical excerpts. In the second half Katherine Chi and the NAC Orchestra led by Jean-Marie Zeitouni perform the concerto in its entirety. Beyond the Scoreƒ is a presentation of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Tickets for the Romantic Revolution Festival in the NACs Southam Hall at 8 p.m. are on sale now at $19, $29, $39.50, $50, $60, $70 and $87.50 at the newly renovated NAC Box Office (Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.) and through Ticketmaster (with surcharges) at 613-755-1111. Ticketmaster may also be accessed through the NACs website at

Half-price tickets for students in all sections of the hall are on sale in person at the NAC Box Office upon presentation of a valid student ID card. Live Rush tickets (subject to availability) for full-time students (aged 13 to 29) are $11 at the NAC Box Office from 2 p.m. the day before the concert to 6 p.m. the day of, upon presentation of a valid Live Rush card.

Groups of 10 and more save 15% to 20% off the regular price of tickets to NAC Music, Theatre and Dance performances. To reserve your seats call 613-947-7000 ext. 384 or email


Beethovens Eroica Wednesday, September 23 at 8 p.m.
Mark Motors Audi Signature Series
Pinchas Zukerman, conductor; Gil Shaham, violin; Cantata Singers of Ottawa; Michael Zaugg, chorus master

Cantata Singers a capella prelude:
BRAHMS Fnf ernste Gesnge, Op. 104

NAC Orchestra:
MALCOLM FORSYTH Jubilee Overture
MENDELSSOHN Violin Concerto in E minor
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 3 Eroica

Beethovens Eroica marks the turning point from Classicism to Romanticism with its extraordinary scope, bold harmonies, and drama. And its title? Originally dedicated to Napoleon, Beethoven angrily changed his dedication to Sinfonia Eroica, Composed to Celebrate the Memory of a Great Man, after Napoleon declared himself Emperor. Gil Shaham, recent winner of the coveted Avery Fisher Prize and multiple Grammys, dazzles with lustrous tone and brilliant technique in Mendelssohns jewel of a violin concerto.

Musically Speaking: Pre-Concert Chat at 7 p.m. (in French)
LArt de composer un programme with musicologist Carol Bergeron

Wednesday Mark Motors Audi Signature Series subscribers will attend this concert, and Thursday Signature Series subscribers will attend the Thursday, October 1 concert.


The Radiance of Mozart Thursday, September 24, 2009
Ovation Series
Pinchas Zukerman, conductor; Angela Cheng, piano; Arianna Zukerman, soprano; Cantata Singers of Ottawa; Michael Zaugg, director

Cantata Singers a capella prelude:
FANNY HENSEL-MENDELSSOHN Gartenlieder, Op. 3: Im Wald; Hrst Du nicht die Bume rauschen
FELIX MENDELSSOHN Sechs Lieder im Freien zu singen: I. Herbstlied
FANNY HENSEL-MENDELSSOHN Gartenlieder, Op. 3: Abendlich schon rauscht der Wald

NAC Orchestra:
VERDI Prelude to Act III of La Traviata
SCHUBERT Symphony No. 8 Unfinished
MOZART Aria: Chio mi scordi di te
MOZART Piano Concerto No. 21 Elvira Madigan

Critically acclaimed Angela Cheng, known for her spot-on Mozart interpretations, is the soloist for his 21st Piano Concerto, which took its nickname from the radiant second movement heard in the film Elvira Madigan. Arianna Zukermans shimmering voice reveals the beauty of Mozarts farewell gift to an admired soprano. Plus Schuberts most famous and mysteriously abandoned symphony, the Unfinished.

Musically Speaking: Pre-Concert Chat at 7 p.m. (in French)
Les Beauts de linachvement : la Huitime Symphonie de Schubert with Franois Dompierre, composer and host, Radio-Canada, Espace musique

Thursday Ovation Series subscribers will attend this concert, and Wednesday Ovation Series subscribers will attend the Friday, September 25 concert.


Lynn Harrell & a Haydn Classic Friday, September 25, 2009
Ovation Series
Pinchas Zukerman, conductor; Lynn Harrell, cello; Cantata Singers of Ottawa; Michael Zaugg, director

Cantata Singers a capella prelude:
SCHUMANN Vier doppelchorige Gesange: Ungewisses Licht
SCHUBERT Die Nacht, Op. 17
BRAHMS Nun stehn die Rosen in Blte
SCHUMANN Vier doppelchrigie Gesnge: Talismane

NAC Orchestra:
BACH Suite for solo cello
HAYDN Cello Concerto in C major
SCHUMANN Symphony No. 4

Schumann gave his wife the Fourth Symphony as a special gift: it celebrated her 22nd birthday, their first wedding anniversary, and the christening of their first child, and even included a musical portrait of her. Lynn Harrells appealing way of reaching out to an audience has captured rapt listeners not only at the worlds famed concert halls, but also at the Grammys, where showbiz glitterati marveled at his artistry.

Musically Speaking: Pre-Concert Chat at 7 p.m. (in English) Schumanns Revision Quest: a journey from brainstorm to score
CBC Radio Executive Producer Jill LaForty interviews CBC Music Producer David Houston

Wednesday Ovation Series subscribers will attend this concert, and Thursday Ovation Series subscribers will attend the Thursday, September 24 concert.


Mozarts Final Piano Concerto *Beyond the Score Wednesday, September 30, 2009
National Arts Centre Orchestra; Jean-Marie Zeitouni, conductor; Katherine Chi, piano; Donna Brown, soprano; Bill Richardson, narrator; Pierre Brault, actor

MOZART Piano Concerto No. 27

Join the NAC Orchestra and conductor Jean-Marie Zeitouni, with stellar soloists, actor Pierre Brault and narrator Bill Richardson to explore the history of Mozarts music. The first half of this program includes projected images, musical examples performed by the NAC Orchestra and soloists, and theatrical narration; the second half features a performance of Mozarts Piano Concerto No. 27 in its entirety.

English narration with French surtitles

This concert is part of the Romantic Revolution Festival.

* Beyond the Score is produced by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra


Pinchas Plays Beethoven Thursday, October 1, 2009
Mark Motors Audi Signature Series
Pinchas Zukerman, conductor and violin; Anton Kuerti, piano; Combined Ottawa Choruses; Duain Wolfe, chorus master

Cantata Singers a capella prelude:
FRIEDRICH SILCHER nnchen von Tharau
MENDELSSOHN Abshied vom Walde
BRAHMS Abschiedslied

Mozarts Piano Concerto No. 27
BEETHOVEN Egmont Overture
BEETHOVEN Choral Fantasy
BEETHOVEN Violin Concerto

Beethovens notoriously difficult masterpiece, sometimes dubbed the Mount Everest of violin concertos, has near sacred status, testing the mettle of performers. What makes this evening even more extraordinary is that Pinchas Zukerman is not only the soloist but also conducts. Rounding out this all-Beethoven concert is a dramatic overture and the stately Choral Fantasy that, in tone and melody, foreshadows the Ode to Joy of the Ninth Symphony.

Musically Speaking: Pre-Concert Chat at 7 p.m. (in English)
Beethoven Lite with writer and broadcaster Eric Friesen

Musically Speaking: Post-Concert Talkback
Writer and broadcaster Eric Friesen interviews Pinchas Zukerman, Music Director of the NAC Orchestra

Thursday Mark Motors Audi Signature Series subscribers will attend this concert, and Wednesday Signature Series subscribers will attend the Wednesday, September 23 concert.

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