LSM Newswire

Thursday, December 3, 2009

L'industrie de la musique canadienne se dploie pour clbrer la 20e dition du Gala de la SOCAN Toronto

English to follow.

TORONTO, le 23 nov. /CNW/ - La SOCAN (la Socit canadienne des auteurs, compositeurs et diteurs de musique) et l''industrie de la musique taient runies ce soir au Roy Thomson Hall afin de fter certains des auteurs et compositeurs canadiens les plus talentueux, ainsi que leurs diteurs, lors du 20e Gala de la SOCAN. Anime par Barney Bentall, Carolyn Dawn Johnson et David Myles, la crmonie clbrait les succs des membres de la SOCAN durant l'anne 2008.

Parmi ceux qui assistaient la soire et ont reu des trophes, citons les membres des groupes Hedley, Doc Walker, Finger Eleven et RUSH, de mme que Stompin' Tom Connors, Rita MacNeil, Gordon Lightfoot, Jimmy Rankin, Deric Ruttan, Tom Cochrane et Kardinal Offishall, parmi bien d'autres.

Le rocker soul d'origine cubaine Alex Cuba a ouvert le gala avec une prestation inoubliable, suivi plus tard dans la crmonie par Carolyn Dawn Johnson et Doc Walker, qui ont offert un pot-pourri de Classiques de la SOCAN. Le rappeur D-Sisive a interprt la chanson qui lui a valu le Prix CHO de la chanson 2009, "Nobody with a Notepad", et Russell deCarle et Barney Bentall ont termin la soire avec un hommage chant Stompin' Tom Connors.

De nombreux laurats ont t honors pour le succs de leurs chansons, entre autres Feist pour "1234", Hedley pour "For the Nights I Can't Remember", Finger Eleven pour "I'll Keep Your Memory Vague", catgorie pop/rock, Kardinal Offshall et Cristian "DJ Kemo" Bahamonde pour "Dangerous", catgorie musique urbaine, et Doc Walker pour "Beautiful Life", catgorie musique country. Finger Eleven a reu un deuxime trophe, le Prix de la chanson internationale, pour "Paralyzer".

    Une liste complte des gagnants des prix SOCAN 2009 est disponible sur

"Durant mes dix annes la tte de la SOCAN, l'industrie a chang normment au pays et travers le monde, a soulign Andr LeBel, chef de la direction. Chez nous, l'industrie continue crotre et nos membres ne cessent de produire des uvres nouvelles et de les proposer aux auditoires du monde entier. Ce gala dmontre jusqu' quel point nous accordons de la valeur aux contributions de nos membres l'industrie, ce sont des ambassadeurs hors pair de notre culture dans le monde."

Chaque anne, la SOCAN souligne la carrire de pionniers de l'industrie de la musique, leur implication dans le domaine de la musique canadienne et leur succs durant toute leur carrire. Les rcipiendaires des trophes majeurs de la SOCAN cette anne sont Richard Flohil, Prix Hommage, Stompin' Tom Connors, qui a reu le Prix Excellence, Rita MacNeil, Prix National, ainsi que RUSH - compos des membres Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson et Neil Peart - Prix International.

La SOCAN fte chaque anne le talent des crateurs de musique francophones lors d'un deuxime gala, qui aura lieu le mardi 24 novembre, l'Htel Hyatt Regency Montral. De prestigieux membres de la SOCAN se joindront l'animateur Michel Rivard pour clbrer tous les laurats de cette anne.

Au sujet de la SOCAN :

la SOCAN, nous comprenons que l'industrie musicale canadienne ne peut tre plus forte que la somme des forces qui l'entoure. Nous sommes fiers de jouer un rle d'avant-garde et de collaborer avec d'autres organisations pour assurer le bien-tre long terme de nos membres et de l'industrie musicale canadienne dans son ensemble. La SOCAN est l'organisation canadienne de gestion collective des droits d'auteur qui administre la communication et l'excution des uvres musicales. Son rle est de grer ces droits au nom de ses membres (compositeurs, paroliers, auteurs-compositeurs et leurs diteurs), ainsi que ceux des membres de ses organisations affilies internationales, en mettant des licences pour l'utilisation de leur musique au Canada. Les sommes perues sont distribues ses membres et aux organisations affilies internationales sous forme de redevances. La SOCAN distribue galement ses membres les redevances qu'elle reoit des organisations affilies internationales pour l'utilisation de leur musique travers le monde. La SOCAN a des bureaux Toronto, Montral, Vancouver, Edmonton et Dartmouth.


The Who's Who of Canada's Music Industry Came Out in Full Force Tonight to Celebrate the 20th Annual SOCAN Awards Gala in Toronto

TORONTO, Nov. 23 /CNW/ - SOCAN (The Society of Composers Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) and the best of Canada's music industry came together tonight at Roy Thomson Hall to honour some of this country's most talented songwriters, composers, lyricists and music publishers at the 20th annual SOCAN Awards Gala. Co-hosted by Barney Bentall, Carolyn Dawn Johnson and David Myles, the SOCAN Awards acknowledged members' and other music industry influencers' outstanding achievements from the previous year.

SOCAN members Hedley, Doc Walker, Finger Eleven and Rush, along with Stompin' Tom Connors, Rita MacNeil, Gordon Lightfoot, Jimmy Rankin, Deric Ruttan, Tom Cochrane and Kardinal Offishall, among many others, were in attendance to accept their awards.

Cuban soul rocker Alex Cuba opened the awards gala with an unforgettable performance and later in the evening Carolyn Dawn Johnson and Doc Walker took to the stage for a medley performance of SOCAN Classics. Canadian rapper D-Sisive performed his 2009 ECHO Songwriting Prize winner, "Nobody with a Notepad," and Russell deCarle and Barney Bentall closed the show with a lively tribute to Stompin' Tom Connors.

The evening was filled with celebration and accolades. Awards handed out included: Feist for "1234;" Hedley for "For the Nights I Can't Remember;" Finger Eleven for "I'll Keep Your Memory Vague" in the pop/rock category; Kardinal Offshall and Cristian "DJ Kemo" Bahamonde for "Dangerous" in the urban music category; and Doc Walker for "Beautiful Life" in the country music category. Finger Eleven accepted a second win with the International Song Award for "Paralyzer."

     A complete list of winners for the 2009 SOCAN Awards can be found at

"In my ten years at SOCAN, the music industry has evolved tremendously, both at home and around the world," said Andr LeBel, CEO of SOCAN. "In Canada, the industry continues to thrive and our members never stop in their work to bring new and exciting music to the global audience. The SOCAN Awards is one way we can show them how proud we are of their contributions; they are truly great Canadian ambassadors to the world."

Each year, SOCAN celebrates music industry pioneers for their involvement in the Canadian music industry and their outstanding successes throughout their careers. Recipients of SOCAN's major achievement awards this year went to Richard Flohil, who received the Special Achievement Award; Stompin' Tom Connors, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award; and Rita MacNeil, who received The National Achievement Award. RUSH - Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart received the International Achievement Award in recognition of their outstanding international success in 2008.

SOCAN will recognize outstanding Francophone music creators and publishers at an awards gala on Tuesday November 24 at The Hyatt Regency in Montreal. SOCAN members will join host Michel Rivard in celebration of this year's Francophone SOCAN award recipients.


At SOCAN, we understand that the Canadian music industry is only as strong as the sum of its parts. We are proud to play a leading role, working with other organizations to ensure the long-term health of our members' livelihoods and the Canadian music industry as a whole. SOCAN is the Canadian copyright collective for the communication and performance of musical works. We administer these rights on behalf of our members (composers, lyricists, songwriters and their publishers) and those of affiliated international organizations by licensing this use of their music in Canada. The fees collected are distributed as royalties to our members and to affiliated organizations throughout the world. We also distribute royalties received from those organizations to our members for the use of their music worldwide. SOCAN has offices in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton and Dartmouth.

For more information about how we're doing what's right for music, please visit us at



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