LSM Newswire

Monday, November 30, 2009

Erik Ryan nomm prsident du conseil 2009-2010 Įde la Chambre de commerce du Montral mtropolitain

Chambre de commerce du Montral mtropolitain Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal
For English version, see below

Montral, le 4 novembre 2009 - Lors de l'assemble annuelle de la Chambre de commerce du Montral mtropolitain, qui s'est tenue aujourd'hui, les membres ont lu leur conseil d'administration pour l'anne 2009-2010. M. Erik Ryan, vice-prsident principal, Communications et relations externes chez Rio Tinto Alcan, a t nomm la prsidence du conseil pour un mandat d'un an. Il succde ainsi Rmi Racine, prsident et chef de la direction d'A2M, qui devient prsident sortant du conseil.

Notre rle, la Chambre, est de faire en sorte que la mtropole soit dote des meilleures conditions d'affaires. Dans le contexte actuel, nous allons tout mettre en oeuvre pour que la grande rgion mtropolitaine puisse pleinement bnficier de la reprise conomique qui pointe dj l'horizon. Nous travaillerons sans relche pour que Montral puisse connatre un vritable lan de prosprit , a dclar Erik Ryan, nouveau prsident du conseil de la Chambre de commerce du Montral mtropolitain.

Erik Ryan est titulaire d'un baccalaurat en gnie mcanique de l'Universit McGill (1987) et d'une matrise en administration de la Harvard Business School (1995).

En septembre 2002, M. Ryan se joint Alcan inc. en tant que directeur, Soutien de la gestion stratgique. Il fait partie de l'quipe d'acquisition de Pechiney et agit par la suite comme codirecteur de l'quipe d'intgration d'Alcan-Pechiney Paris. l'automne 2004, il est nomm vice-prsident, Stratgie et dveloppement, du secteur Emballages cosmtiques d'Emballages Alcan. En janvier 2005, M. Ryan est nomm vice-prsident, Affaires gnrales et communications, du groupe Alcan Mtal primaire. En 2007, s'ajoutent ses responsabilits la diversification industrielle rgionale ainsi qu'une usine de coulage spcialise en arospatiale et en alliages nuclaires alors qu'il devient vice-prsident, Relations avec les partenaires et communications.

Erik Ryan a commenc son implication la Chambre en 2002 travers le comit d'analyse stratgique sur le dveloppement conomique avant de se joindre son conseil d'administration et, par la suite, au comit excutif.

Avant de se joindre Rio Tinto Alcan, Erik Ryan a t le secrtaire gnral du Sommet de Montral 2002, o il a dirig la conception et la tenue de cet vnement fondateur cr pour identifier les priorits et initiatives stratgiques essentielles la nouvelle Ville de Montral.

De 1995 2001, aprs ses tudes Boston, M. Ryan a oeuvr en tant que consultant pour Monitor Company, une socit de conseil situe Boston. Il a agi en tant que chef du bureau de Paris de 1995 1997. De 1989 1993, il a t conseiller politique de Grald Tremblay, qui tait l'poque ministre de l'Industrie, du Commerce et de la Technologie. M. Ryan a alors contribu la conception et au dploiement de la stratgie des grappes industrielles et des ngociations du contrat social.

titre de prsident du conseil de la Chambre, Erik Ryan s'impliquera dans les activits de la Chambre pendant l'anne, puis comme prsident sortant du conseil l'anne suivante. Tout au long de cette priode, M. Ryan sigera au comit excutif de la Chambre.

Les membres suivants composent le conseil pour l'anne 2009-2010 :

Prsident du conseil :
Erik Ryan*
Vice-prsident principal,
Communications et relations externes
Rio Tinto Alcan

Prsident sortant du conseil :
Rmi Racine*
Prsident et chef de la direction

Premier vice-prsident du conseil :
Joseph Iannicelli*
Prsident et chef de la direction
Compagnie d'assurance Standard Life du Canada

Trsorier : ĮLuc Martin*
Associ leader de la pratique manufacturire-Canada
Deloitte & Touche

Dimitri Antonopoulos
Vice-prsident, Marketing et dveloppement htels et restaurants
Le Groupe Antonopoulos

Christiane Bergevin
Vice-prsidente excutive, Partenariats stratgiques
Bureau de la prsidence
Mouvement Desjardins

Marc-Andr Blanchard*
Associ directeur, Rgion du Qubec
McCarthy Ttrault

Stphane Boisvert
Prsident, Bell Marchs Affaires
Bell Canada

Hubert Bolduc
Communications et affaires publiques
Cascades inc.

Manon Brouillette
Vice-prsidente excutive, Stratgie et commercialisation
Vidotron lte

Charles-Mathieu Brunelle
Directeur gnral
Musums nature de Montral

Isabelle Courville*
Hydro-Qubec Transnergie

Robert Desbiens
Vice-prsident excutif, Stratgies corporatives
R3D Conseil inc.

Franois Giroux
Prsident et chef de la direction
Allianz Madvac inc.

Michael Goodman
Prsident et fondateur
Michael Goodman Recherche de cadres

Michel Leblanc
Prsident et chef de la direction
Chambre de commerce du Montral mtropolitain

Jean-Marc Lger
Lger Marketing

Caroline Mnard
Jeune Chambre de commerce de Montral

Heather Munroe-Blum
Principale et vice-chancelire
Universit McGill

Michel Patry
HEC Montral

Daniel Peritz
Vice-prsident principal, Montral
Canderel Management inc.

Lorraine Pintal*
Directrice artistique et gnrale
Thtre du Nouveau Monde

Luc Sabbatini
Astral Media Affichage

Javier San Juan
Prsident-directeur gnral
L'Oral Canada

Sylvain Vincent*
Associ directeur de l'est du Canada et membre du comit excutif canadien
Ernst & Young s.r.l./S.E.N.C.R.L.

* Membres du comit excutif

Vous trouverez sur le site Web de la Chambre les notes biographiques et les photos des membres du conseil d'administration.

La Chambre de commerce du Montral mtropolitain compte quelque 7 000 membres. Sa mission est de reprsenter les intrts de la communaut des affaires de l'agglomration urbaine de Montral et d'offrir une gamme intgre de services spcialiss aux individus, aux commerants et aux entreprises de toutes tailles de faon les appuyer dans la ralisation de leur plein potentiel en matire d'innovation, de productivit et de comptitivit. La Chambre est le plus important organisme priv au Qubec vou au dveloppement conomique.


Erik Ryan appointed Chairman of the board of directors of theĮBoard of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal for 2009-2010

Montral, November 4, 2009 - At the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal's annual assembly, which was held today, members elected their board of directors for 2009-2010. Mr. Erik Ryan, Senior Vice-President, Communications and External Relations, of Rio Tinto Alcan, was appointed Chairman of the board of directors for a one-year term. He succeeds Rmi Racine, President and CEO of A2M, who became the Retiring Chairman.

"Our role at the Board of Trade is to ensure that Montral has the best conditions for business. In the current environment, we will do everything we can to enable the greater metropolitan region to fully benefit from the economic recovery that is already visible on the horizon. We are working non-stop so that Montral can enjoy a true surge of prosperity," stated Erik Ryan, new Chairman of the board of directors of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal.

Erik Ryan holds a B. Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from McGill University (1987) and an MBA from the Harvard Business School (1995).

Mr. Ryan joins Alcan Inc. in September 2002 as Director, Strategic Management Support. He is part of the Pechiney acquisition team, and is later co-leader of the Alcan-Pechiney Integration Leadership Team in Paris. In the fall of 2004, he becomes Vice-President, Strategy and Business Development, for Alcan Packaging Global Beauty sector. In January 2005, Mr. Ryan is appointed Vice-President, Corporate Affairs and Communications, for Alcan Primary Metal Group. In 2007, Regional Industrial Diversification and an aerospace and nuclear alloys casting plant are added to his responsibilities, as he becomes Vice-President, Stakeholder Relations and Communications.

Erik Ryan first became involved with the Board of Trade in 2002 through the strategic analysis committee on economic development before joining the board of directors and then, its executive committee.

Prior to joining Rio Tinto Alcan, Mr. Ryan was Secretary General of the Sommet de Montral 2002, in charge of designing and conducting this foundational event created to identify the strategic priorities and initiatives critical to the new City of Montral.

Between 1995 and 2001, following his studies in Boston, Mr. Ryan worked as a consultant for Monitor Company, a Boston consultancy. Between 1995 and 1997, he headed its Paris office. Between 1989 and 1993, he was political advisor to Grald Tremblay, then Minister of Industry, Trade, and Technology. At that time, Mr. Ryan contributed to the design and deployment of the industrial cluster strategy, and to negotiating the social contract.

As Chairman of the board of directors of the Board of Trade, Erik Ryan will be involved in the Board of Trade's activities during the current year, and also as Retiring Chairman the following year. Over this entire period, Mr. Ryan will sit on the Board of Trade's executive committee.

The 2009-2010 board of directors is composed of the following members:

Chairman of the board:
Erik Ryan*
Senior Vice-President, Communications and External Relations
Rio Tinto Alcan

Retiring Chairman of the board:
Rmi Racine*
President and CEO

First Vice-President of the board:
Joseph Iannicelli*
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada

Luc Martin*
Manufacturing Practice Leader-Canada
Deloitte & Touche

Dimitri Antonopoulos
Vice-President, Marketing, Hotel and Restaurant Development
The Antonopoulos Group

Christiane Bergevin
Executive Vice-President, Strategic Partnerships, Office of the President
Desjardins Group

Marc-Andr Blanchard*
Managing Partner, Quebec Region
McCarthy Ttrault

Stphane Boisvert
President, Bell Business Markets
Bell Canada

Hubert Bolduc
Vice-President, Communications and Public Affairs
Cascades Inc.

Manon Brouillette
Executive Vice-President, Strategy and Market Development
Videotron Ltd.

Charles-Mathieu Brunelle
Executive Director
Montral's Nature Museums

Isabelle Courville*
Hydro-Qubec Transnergie

Robert Desbiens
Executive Vice-President, Corporate Strategies
R3D Consulting Inc.

Franois Giroux
President and CEO
Allianz Madvac Inc.

Michael Goodman
President and Founder
Michael Goodman Executive Search

Michel Leblanc
President and CEO
Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal

Jean-Marc Lger
Leger Marketing

Caroline Mnard
Jeune Chambre de commerce de Montral

Heather Munroe-Blum
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
McGill University

Michel Patry
HEC Montral

Daniel Peritz
Senior Vice-President, Montral
Canderel Management Inc.

Lorraine Pintal*
Artistic and General Director
Thtre du Nouveau Monde

Luc Sabbatini
Astral Media Outdoors
ĮJavier San Juan
President and Chief Executive Officer
L'Oral Canada

Sylvain Vincent*
Managing Partner, Eastern Canada and Member of Canadian Executive Committee
Ernst & Young LLP

* Member of the executive committee

Biographies and photos of the members of the board of directors can be found on the Board of Trade's Website.

The Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal has some 7,000 members. Its primary mission is to represent the interests of the business community of Greater Montral and to provide individuals, merchants, and local businesses of all sizes with a variety of specialized services to help them achieve their full potential in terms of innovation, productivity and competitiveness. The Board of Trade is Quebec's leading private economic development organization.



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