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Monday, September 8, 2008

Les Brandebourgeois

Communiqu - Press release

Jeudi 11 et vendredi 12 septembre 2008
11 h et 17 h 45
Salle Tudor du magasin Ogilvy

Montral, le 4 septembre 2008 Pour le coup denvoi de leur 25e saison, LOrchestre I Musici propose les trois premiers Concertos Brandebourgeois de Johann Sebastien Bach, considrs comme de vritables joyaux du rpertoire baroque. Quoi de mieux que les Brandebourgeois, pour dmontrer la remarquable virtuosit dI Musici. Aux 15 brillants musiciens membres de lOrchestre se joindront, sous la direction de Yuli Turovsky, les instrumentistes Jol Thiffault (clavecin), Kirsten Zander, Jose Marchand, Camille Gendreau (hautbois), Lise Millet (basson), Jocelyn Veilleux, Jean-Jules Poirier (cors), Stphane Beaulac (trompette), Luo Di (violoncelle) et Heather Howes (flte). Accompagns de ces solistes mrites, les musiciens dI Musici, galement rputs pour leur qualit de solistes, dmontreront, sous la baguette du maestro, la magnificence du contrepoint de Bach.

Bach et le margrave de Brandebourg
En 1718, Bach rencontra Christian Ludwig, margrave de Brandebourg. Ce mlomane qui rsidait au Palais Royal de Berlin lui commande alors quelques uvres pour son orchestre de chambre. Trois ans plus tard, Bach lui a offert ses six Concerts avec plusieurs Instruments accompagns dune ddicace flatteuse et priant son Altesse Royale de ne vouloir pas juger leur Imperfection . Aprs la mort du margrave, les partitions ont t vendues pour presque rien. Les Concertos Brandebourgeois nont t publis quen 1850, soit prs dun sicle aprs leur composition.

De retour dune tourne sud-amricaine, I Musici a t reconnu comme lorchestre de chambre le plus important au Canada . Acclam et chaleureusement applaudi en Argentine et en Colombie, I Musici a fait un passage fort remarqu notamment au 14e Rencontres internationales du violoncelle Rio de Janeiro. Au Brsil, lOrchestre a interprt, lors de ses concerts, des uvres issues du rpertoire national.

Les Brandebourgeois, les jeudi 11 et vendredi 12 septembre 11 h et 17 h 45. Un intermde musical savourer avant dner ou pour dbuter merveilleusement une soire en compagnie de maestro Turovsky et dI Musici. Salle Tudor du magasin Ogilvy. 1307, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, 5e tage.

Pour la billetterie ou pour de plus amples renseignements, communiquez au 514 982-6038, ou ou encore visitez-nous au

Thursday and Friday, September 11 and 12, 2008
11 am and 5:45 pm
Ogilvy Tudor Hall

Montral, September 4, 2008 To launch its 25th season, I Musici will present the first three Brandenburg Concertos by J. S. Bach veritable jewels of the baroque repertoire. What better way than the Brandenburgs to exploit the fabulous virtuosity of I Musici. Under the direction of Yuli Turovsky, the core ensemble of 15 musicians will be joined by Jol Thiffault (harpsichord), Kirsten Zander, Jose Marchand, Camille Gendreau (oboes), Lise Millet (bassoon), Jocelyn Veilleux, Jean-Jules Poirier (horns), Stphane Beaulac (trumpet), Luo Di (cello) and Heather Howes (flute). Along with these great soloists and also soloists from its own ranks, I Musici and Yuli Turovsky will explore Bachs magnificent contrapuntal excursions.

Bach and the Margrave of Brandenburg
Sometime during 1718, Bach met Christian Ludwig, the Margrave of Brandenburg, who resided in the Royal Palace in Berlin. The music-loving Margrave requested from Bach some works for his court orchestra. Three years later, Bach presented him with six Concerts avec plusieurs Instruments along with an effusive, obsequious dedication and begging Your Highness most humbly not to judge their imperfection. After the Margrave's death, the Concertos were auctioned off in a miscellaneous job lot of seventy-seven pieces. The music was not published until 1850, well over a century after its composition.

I Musici recently returned from a South American tour in which the ensemble was celebrated as Canadas most important chamber orchestra. They performed at the Rio International Cello Encounter and received ovations in Argentina and Columbia as well. In Brazil they featured great repertoire from that country in many of their concerts.

The Brandenburgs on Thursday and Friday, September 11 and 12, 2008 at 11 am and 5:45 pm. Before a gourmet lunch or as a start to a marvellous evening join Maestro Turovsky and I Musici in the Ogilvy Tudor Hall, 1307 Sainte-Catherine West, 5th floor.

For further information please contact us by phone at 514 982.6038, by email at or visit us at

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