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Friday, May 23, 2008

Peurs bleues / Here Be Monsters

Peurs bleues

Quand la mer cre les lgendesĶ

MONTRAL, le 14 mai 2008
Dans le cadre des festivits de 2008 entourant l'tablissement de la colonie franaise en Amrique, le Muse du Chteau RamezayPeurs Bleues, une exposition qui aborde la relation de l'homme la mer, depuis le 15e sicle jusqu' nos jours. prsente, du 21 mai au 19 octobre,

Peurs bleues, une adaptation de l'exposition conue par La Corderie Royale Centre International de la Mer Rochefort, en

Collection Nelson Cazeils

France, propose un voyage au cur de l'univers marin. Que pouvait reprsenter la mer pour ceux qui s'y aventuraient? Un monde sans repre, peupl de monstres, frapp par les temptes, la maladie et la piraterie.

Premire preuve surmonter pour s'tablir en Amrique, la mer a faonn l'identit qubcoise. De l'Europe aux rives du Saint-Laurent, sabre d'abordage, figure de proue, cartes anciennes et autres objets inusits rvlent les secrets de cet univers hostile.

Embarquez-vousĶ la mer vous attend!

Le Muse du Chteau Ramezay est situ en plein cur du Vieux-Montral, deux pas de la Place Jacques-Cartier et du mtro Champ-de-Mars, face l'Htel de Ville de Montral.

Here be Monsters

When the Sea spawns LegendsĶ

MONTRAL, May 14, 2008. The love-hate relationship between people and the sea, from the 15th century to today, is the fascinating subject of the exhibition "Here be Monsters" presented by the Chteau Ramezay Museum, from May 21 to October 19, 2008, as a contribution to the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the first French colony in the New World.

Adapted from an exhibition created by La Corderie Royale- Centre international de la Mer in Rochefort, France, "Here be Monsters" takes you on a voyage that plumbs the depths of human imagination and the deep blue sea. To early explorers, the sea was a world without landmarks, inhabited by monsters, threatening tempest, sickness and piracy.

As the first obstacle to be overcome when venturing to settle in the Americas, the sea put its stamp on the cultural identity of Quebec. From the shores of Europe to the barks of the St. Lawrence, maps, charts, travel accounts, cutlass, figurehead and much else reveal the secrets of this hostile universe.

Set your sailĶ. the sea is calling you!

The Chteau Ramezay Museum is located in the heart of historical Old Montreal, just east of Place Jacques-Cartier and across from the Montreal City Hall.

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